Layout specifications:
Location: Qazvin
Roofed Area of Coverage: 58904 square meters
Nominal Capacity (Inpatient beds + Posts): 700 beds
Total beds: 741 beds
Intensive Care Unit:
M.I.C.U. beds: 30 beds
C.C.U. beds: 40 beds
N.I.C.U. beds: 30 beds
S.I.C.U. beds: 15 beds
Medium Care level Unit:
Post I.C.U. beds: 15 beds
Post C.C.U. beds: 45 beds
Post Angiography Ward: 30 beds
Emergency Ward: 60 beds
Psychiatry Ward: 90 beds
Healthy Infants Ward: 20 beds
Inpatient Ward for Respiratory Isolation: 10 beds
Prenatal Inpatient / Infertility / Mothers separate from newborns: 64 beds
Inpatient Ward for Mothers and Newborns: 64 beds
Gynecology Inpatient: 32 beds
Inpatient Ward based on Type (internal medicine; surgery; neurology; poisoning; infection exclusive of quarantine): 224 beds
Number of General Surgery Operation Rooms: 14 beds
Number of Natural Delivery rooms: 30 L.D.R. [Labor, Delivery, and Recovery] rooms
Dialysis; 10 beds
Physiotherapy Ward: Hydrotherapy; Electrotherapy; Movement therapy; Work therapy; and Rehabilitation
Diagnostic Wards: radiology; Mammography; Sonography; Fluoroscopy; lab[s]; CT scan; and MRI